Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)

MetaProperty Object

This topic applies to Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional only.

A MetaProperty object assigns a value to a MetaPropertyType object. A MetaProperty object, therefore, contains a value and an associated MetaPropertyType object. This mechanism permits a single MetaPropertyType object to have many values.

MetaProperty objects are grouped into collections maintained by a MetaProperties object. The MetaProperties collection, in turn, is associated with other Guide Store objects, such as Service objects or Program objects. This permits those other objects to have multiple properties.

A MetaProperty object also stores a language identifier. There will be an instance of a MetaProperty object in the Guide Store repository for each language identifier. This allows applications to sort or filter on language and the source of the information.

A MetaProperty object can be used to create a MetaPropertyCondition object. MetaPropertyCondition objects are used to conduct relational tests with other MetaPropertyCondition objects. By using these MetaPropertyCondition objects, MetaProperty objects can be compared by value (equal, less, etc.) or logically (and, or, not).

This object exposes the following properties.

Properties Description
Cond Retrieves a MetaPropertyCondition object that can later be used to compare this MetaProperty object to MetaProperty objects in a collection.
GuideDataProvider Retrieves the GuideDataProvider object associated with this object.
Language Retrieves the language of this MetaProperty object.
MetaPropertyType Retrieves the MetaPropertyType object associated with this object.
Value Specifies and retrieves the value of the property.